Wednesday, January 17, 2007

City facing up to realities

Jan 17 2007 EDITORIAL
If anyone needed a clear indication of a strong economy causing a competitive market for employees, just ask the City of Vernon. The city’s current finance manager and human resources manager are set to leave for Kelowna in February, and the former civil servant only started working here in July of last year. This all follows on the heels of the city losing its long-term planner three months ago, shortly after the long-term plan was initiated.

The loss of staff creates headaches and inefficiencies for city hall and Vernon Mayor Wayne Lippert is growing more concerned by the minute. “We need to look at the people we have here and what they are capable of,” said the mayor, referring to the fact the city has already promoted an accounting supervisor to the finance manager post. Apparently he was one of the top candidates during the previous posting, but it also sends the message that city hall is intent on promoting its own staff.

And in an increasingly competitive market that only makes sense. People that already live here and are committed to the city are less likely to announce surprise departures. And also it gives hope to staff that the city is watching performance and is willing to reward and promote talented and hard-working employees. That should make for a more productive and better place to work. It’s a strategy that makes sense for the city, its employees and taxpayers alike. And in an economy that boasts a 3.5 per cent unemployment rate, it’s likely a strategy that every North Okanagan employer should implement during these challenging times for businesses.

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