Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Drug Problem Homegrown

by Kelly Hayes - Story: 25891Jan. 16, 2007 CASTANET

Most are not from the Lower Mainland or Alberta. In fact, Kelowna's drug problem is homegrown. Kelowna RCMP have released an extensive report that tracks the criminal activities of 30 people arrested two years ago during a drug sweep of the downtown core called Project E-Palace. Prior to the release of the report, it was believed that criminal transients from other parts of the country were responsible for the crime and drugs that plague Kelowna's downtown core.

However, the study shows that is not the case. It found that a majority of the offenders (16) were born in BC. Of those 16, the majority were from Kelowna. Superintendent Bill McKinnon says the numbers show that Kelowna's drug problem originates at home. "We often want to put the blame on Vancouver and that is not the case. Many of those arrested are our own. They are longtime Kelowna residents. We've wanted put the blame on other communities and cities for quite some time, but this is our problem."

McKinnon says one of the solutions to Kelowna's drug problem is treatment. He says the petty drug dealers that police are repeatedly arresting are crying out for help. "We've got to get treatment for these people because the RCMP is dealing with them time and time again." He says it's time for community based initiatives like the Four Pillars program to step up to the plate. "I think we're the only one doing anything with regards to the Four Pillars program. We're also the only ones doing anything on the prevention side through our DARE program."

McKinnon says RCMP will soon be taking a different approach to Kelowna's drug problem by focussing on so-called prolific offenders. He estimates there are roughly 50 such offenders at work in the city. He adds that the justice system needs a shake-up but that it's out of his hands. "They have to talk to the politicians. It's them who make the laws and it's our job to enforce them." McKinnon released the findings of his report during a speech to the Rotary Club at the Grand on Tuesday.

Full Report (Prepared by Melanie Boudreau - Crime Analyst)
What is Four Pillars? Link: Read the Executive Summary
Link: Read the full 102 page report. Link: 4 Pillars Coalition Web Site
Link: What is DARE?

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