Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Fee fuels strong debate

By RICHARD ROLKE Morning Star Staff Jan 24 2007

Financial compensation for a committee is fuelling considerable debate at Vernon city hall.Council tabled the land committee’s proposed budget and terms of reference Monday because there is extensive division over a requested fee for service. “We need an opportunity to wrap our heads around this,” said Coun. Juliette Cunningham. Previously, committee members received an honorarium for attending meetings. It’s now suggested they get a fee for service of $85 an hour for initiatives considered to be beyond their monthly meeting responsibilities.

Strong opposition comes from Coun. Barry Beardsell. “All of the other (city) committees do not get paid,” he said. “It sends the wrong message to the other committees. The land committee is valuable and the expertise of the individuals involved is appreciated but it sends the wrong message.” Beardsell added that if a skill of a specific committee member is required, that should be considered by council before any money is committed. Jack Borden, committee chairman, defends the fee for service, saying the members have extensive knowledge that can prove beneficial to the city. “Directors have always made a substantial contribution to the projects it initiates,” he said. “It requires time in the field, time in the office, time preparing reports and time meeting with developers. This is extraordinary work above and beyond any other committee is expected.”

That brought a sharp response from Beardsell. “When the city came up with the zoning bylaw, time put in by the individual members of the advisory planning council was enormous,” said Beardsell. “And now with the official community plan, the time put in will be tremendous.”While Beardsell is concerned about perception, Borden says there is no need to worry about open-ended spending. “We’re not asking council for an open cheque book on the $30,000 (budget for fees).” Support comes from Coun. Patrick Nicol. “It’s a very different beast than any other advisory committee has been asked to do,” he said.

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