Monday, January 22, 2007

Highlights and Lowlights of Vernon City Council Monday Jan 22

COW (Committee of Whole) Meeting 8:40 A.M.
  • The Chairman of the Vernon Land Committee Mr. Borden presented a budget of $189,000 including a fee for services line item of $30,000. This would be a per hour rate of $85.00 paid to Land Committee members for work assignments above and beyond their monthly meeting responsibilities. Mr Borden also presented the Terms of reference for this newly formed committee. Rob Mayne, finance head confirmed that the City's budget was at $161,500 which was $27,500 less then this proposed budget. After discussion in which Coun. Nichol expressed support for the $30,000 in fee for services and Coun. Beardsell expressed rejection of any payment of this type, Coun. Cummingham proposed a tabling motion which was passed. (There was an incamera meeting later in which the Land Committee members were involved so maybe it was hashed out there. Time will tell)
  • The Airport Budget was discussed in reference to the past practices with concern re the Capital Budget practices of the past. Nothing much happened with this years capital requisition of $300,000 for taxiway Charlie. This remains part of the 2007 City's main budget. The terms of reference were discussed and passed. The Airport becoming a regional function was referred to NORD, GVSC and the Airport committee for follow up.
  • Coun. Beardsell was appointed Council Liason to the Airport Committee.

Regular Meeting Of Council 1:30 P.M.

  • Sister Cities committee request for $5000 was denied for this budget year (2007). Vote was 4-2 with Nichol and Gilroy in support and the rest against. (Cochrane absent)
  • Emergency women's shelter received a $5000 grant (6-0 vote)
  • Coun Beardsell appointed as an alternate on the NORD board for 2007. (Talk about putting the cat with the Pigeons, or the Fox in the hen house. Should liven up those long boring NORD meetings ! {Tongue in cheek})
  • Financial Plan for 2007-2011 passed 3 readings with no discussion and a Special Regular Open Meeting for PUBLIC CONSULTATION set for 5:30 Tuesday February 6,2007!
  • Silent Jack Gilroy expressed his views about ladies and wives that wouldn't be caught dead at the Saturday nights fight sanctioned by the Vernon Athletic Commission in contrast to the ladies that did attend such fights. The laughter, as Coun. Gilroy tried to extricate himself from an obvious unintended denigration of women, was contagious and spread throughout the Vernon Council Chamber. Well worth the price of admission. This one was worthy of a posting on Youtube. Gilroy's malaprop type humour was a refreshing antidote to the bland council debate of this day.

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