The recent increase in development activity, and number of applications received, has prompted the City of Vernon to improve its services with the relocation of the Planning, Development and Engineering development front counter. ‘One Stop Shopping’ for planning, development and engineering is available; appointments required.The new streamlined Development Counter, which is located on the main fl oor at City Hall, has been set up to improve the application process for all planning, building and development applications. We ask your cooperation in following our new procedures:
• Only completed applications will be accepted; The City will no longer take incomplete applications.
• Please submit two complete sets of design drawings (preferably one should be in digital format) of all plans, upon submission.
• Assistance from Planning, Engineering, and Building staff will now be available in the following way:• Appointments may be made in person at the Development Counter, or by phone: (250) 545 1361
.• Drop in times to speak with Building Inspectors will be from 8:30 am to 9:30 am and will function on a “first come, first served basis”. 24 hours notice is required for appointments. These times are subject to change; visit our web site at http://www.vernon.ca/ for updates, new information and new web based services.
• A kiosk will also be available adjacent to the Development Counter for self service on applications such as VernMap.
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