Friday, January 26, 2007

Local MLA tables local Petition with great brevity !

Thursday, November 23, 2006, Afternoon (Vol. 13, No. 3) HTML PDF House Video
Video Link at about 3.40 in to podcast. in section 1455

Hon. T. Christensen: I have a petition to table, please.

N. Macdonald: I'd like to present a petition from Northern Lights Wildlife Wolf Centre, from Shelley and Casey Black. They are requesting an amendment to section 78 of the B.C. Wildlife Act requesting an exception to the stated rule for the use of trained Karelian bear dog teams for an aversive conditioning technique called bear shepherding. They've collected 6,000 signatures. It's taken them a year to put this together, and I present it to the House.

R. Fleming: I present a petition that requests that the House enact as law the national drug scheduling system, which restricts the sale of single-entity pseudoephedrine and ephedrine products to be dispensed by licensed pharmacists in pursuit of a strategy against the scourge of crystal meth in British Columbia.

D. Thorne: I have a petition endorsing removing cigarettes from sale in pharmacies — a petition with 1,312 signatures.
Don Quixote Note: This appears to be same 5,210 signature petition referred to in posting below. You can also see our Honourable MLA speak at section 1420 about 10. minutes in.(about a FOI re Hughes report) (Goes to about 14:30)

Outpouring of liquor support Wanda Klassen-Roth, representing members of the B.C. Government and Service Employees’ Union, presented council with a petition marked with more than 5,210 signatures – or about 10 per cent of Greater Vernon’s population.

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