Friday, January 12, 2007

Lumby increases development fee

By RICHARD ROLKE Morning Star StaffJan 12 2007
Developers are going to fork out more cash if they want to work in Lumby. Council gave three readings to bylaws Monday that will increase fees for development permits, variance permits, zoning bylaw changes and the subdivision servicing process. “The last time those rates were reviewed is eight years ago,” said Frank Kossa, village administrator.

Once bylaws are adopted, developers will have to pay $1,500 for the rezoning and official community plan amendment process. That’s up from the current $850. “That’s based on the staff hours for the planning review, advertising, drafting the bylaw and a report to council,” said Kossa. Development and development variance permits will climb from $240 to $1,000.
Kossa says many people don’t realize there are a number of steps that must be followed when the village considers permits.

“We have to get letters out to people within a 30-metre radious of the property. It all costs money.” The process for subdivision servicing will cost a developer a three per cent fee for a project valued up to $500,000. Previously, there wasn’t a fee. Mayor Eric Foster insists that the increased fees are necessary. “In the past, we only recovered a quarter of the costs so we’ve got those up to a higher level now,” he said.

“They were being subsidized by the general taxpayer and yet it’s benefitting an individual developer.” Foster isn’t concerned that the higher fees send a negative message that development isn’t wanted in Lumby. “We’re very pro-development but we need to get these things in line with our true costs,” he said. It’s anticipated council will give final approval to the bylaw changes Jan. 22.

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