Friday, January 12, 2007

NORD structure unveiled

By RICHARD ROLKE Morning Star StaffJan 12 2007
A new year has brought a new structure for the North Okanagan Regional District. Chairman Jerry Oglow has unveiled his committee appointments for the coming year, including three new committees — finance, regional growth management and regional services. “There’s 18 committees and I’ve tried to balance representation from around the region,” he said. There used to be a regional services committee, and Oglow says it was time to bring it back to handle issues such as solid waste and transit. “It could extend to other regional services we embark on.”

The regional growth management committee will be primarily focused on a proposed growth management study, but it could eventually include economic development. Oglow has also put the board on notice that he wants to establish working groups that will be focused on three issues of importance to the North Okanagan — forestry, health and the RCMP. Oglow said it’s vital that the politicians improve their relationship with the RCMP, and he wants to see recent interest in health care continue.

“I’d like to build on the relationship with the Columbia-Shuswap Regional District and look at how we can work with the Interior Health Authority to provide services to the taxpayers we serve.” While a tentative schedule for committee meetings was presented to board members, the fact that most were in the day didn’t go over well. “Some of us have to work for a living. I won’t be able to attend any of these meetings,” said director Eric Foster.

It’s been suggested that the committees meet to determine when meeting times, including the possibility of night sessions. While some directors want to see the regular board meetings move from afternoon to night, there is some reluctance from others because of the impact on staffing.
“If we have a night meeting, there will be staff here on overtime,” said director Stan Field.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What he really means is if the meetings are held at night he will probably fall asleep!