Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Patrol produces suspect arrest

By Morning Star StaffJan 17 2007
A routine patrol for Vernon’s Citizens on Patrol resulted in the capture of a female wanted on outstanding warrants from Salmon Arm. The watchdog group were making routine patrols in the 3400 block of 33rd Street Friday at around 10:15 p.m. when they noticed what they thought might be a suspicious vehicle. Armed with palm pilots that link up to ICBC and RCMP data banks, Citizens on Patrol scored a hit with the vehicle’s licence plate number.

“The group contacted the RCMP watch commander, RCMP attended the area, located the vehicle and, inside, was a female among four occupants who was wanted on outstanding warrants,” said Terry Pakenham, manager of Vernon’s RCMP Safe Communities Unit which oversees Citizens on Patrol.

Four hours later, Citizens onPatrol were roaming around the Swan Lake corridor and came across a quantity of belongings from Vernon Motorsports strewn around an adjacent parking lot. Patrol members discovered the local business had been the victim of a break and enter. “It was a busy night, we get those every now and then,” said Pakenham. “The group is the eyes and ears on the road helping out the police and our volunteers did a great job.”

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