Monday, August 20, 2007

Replace Plan A with Plan Eh

Don Quixote Note:
Reposting of a Jan 20 Post: If we don't counter petition the borrowing bylaw down aren't we in effect agreeing to pay for it in its entirety. Will we get the same reaction from the province: “I think our treasury board would have a great deal of trouble providing money for something that’s already been funded,”
By NEIL CORBETTJan 20 2007
This week’s news that Premier Gordon Campbell will not smile on Abbotsford’s application for further Plan A funding hit city councillors like a slushball to the back of the head. Must taxpayers now go it alone on their new 7,000-seat arena and the other two Plan A projects?
Our reporter found the premier incredulous that we in Abbotsford would even suggest the province should fund a project that local taxpayers had already agreed to pay for. “I think our treasury board would have a great deal of trouble providing money for something that’s already been funded,” he said, apparently resisting the urge to add a sarcastic “Duh!”

From a letter to editor in Abbey News Jan 20:"Premier Gordon Campbell is quoted as saying Abbotsford will probably not receive provincial funding because Plan A is already considered funded (by you and I), as we voted on funding Plan A through our referendum. I believe many did so in good faith, with the understanding that the province would assist, as suggested by the Plan A steering committee. If our council took us to referendum, to later find out the proper process – that to get funding from the province, they should have done so before going to referendum – then I for one feel taxpayers are justified in recalling our entire council. "

Don Quixote Note: Does this sound anything like the water referendum and the Grant Money that we got from senior governments?
Originally posted Jan 20/07

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