Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Security program requires funding

By RICHARD ROLKE Morning Star StaffJan 24 2007

Private security will continue to walk downtown Vernon, but only as long as there’s enough cash to cover the bills. The Downtown Vernon Association is extending its security patrols until April 30, with the hope that community donations will keep it going until Dec. 31. “If the security patrols are going to continue, it will require the financial participation of all those who believe the safety of downtown employees, customers, business owners, visitors and all other downtown users is worth the investment,” said Earl Hansen, executive director. The DVA launched the initiative on a trial basis in November, but at a cost of $8,000 per month, it is putting significant pressure on the group’s budget.

The fundraising got a boost Tuesday with $5,000 coming from Nixon Wenger law firm. “Our employees have responded positively to the security program,” said Doug Lemiski, a partner with the firm. Beyond businesses, the City of Vernon will be asked to contribute. “The reality is the parkade, the sidewalks and the alleys are city assets and this is what the Commissionaires (the private security guards) are patrolling,” said Malcom Dunn, DVA president. The private security was hired as a result of concerns from DVA members and their employees about criminal activity downtown. “It may be perception but clearly there’s a problem downtown,” said Dunn of purse snatchings, prostitution and the drug trade. “We can say it’s perception all we want but downtown cores across B.C. are facing the same problems.”
Dunn says the security guards provide a sense of safety, and they are getting a sense of what’s going on.

“They can identify the majority of the people not up to good things.” Dunn says the patrols aren’t to replace the RCMP or city bylaw enforcement officers, but complement their activities. "We’re satisfied they’re working towards their own solutions but that will take awhile. My hope is we don’t have to do this (guards) forever.”

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