Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Who's Hot and Who's Not at Council
– Managing Editor David Wylie and reporter Scott Neufeld Editorial Jan 24

Coun. Barry Beardsell moves from cold to hot this week for trying to keep the Vernon Land Committee’s feet to the fire over the $30,000 they budgeted in fees for services. After Jack Borden appeared before council Monday, urging the city to shell out the fees, Beardsell said paying the committee would send the wrong message to other city committees.

Meanwhile, Coun. Patrick Nichol moves from hot to cold for taking the opposite position on the Land Committee’s bid for payment because the committee has operated under similar payment in the past. It amounts to nothing less than discrimination against other hard-working, talented volunteers who are being paid diddly-squat for their time and effort.

Coun. Juliette Cunningham stays hot for being a class act and (as much as we’d like to see a vote ASAP on the Land Committee) delaying the decision until Coun. Pat Cochrane, who was absent Monday, is present at council.

Coun. Jack Gilroy stays heated as he let loose his wit at city council. The councillor known more for his silence than his speeches was furiously backpedaling after saying that ladies don’t attend sanctioned athletic fights. He followed that comment up by saying the women that do attend the fights are a different element, which drew fits of laughter. But he had everyone doubled over when he said, “that’s Jack’s way of saying they’re a little different, but good.”

Lingering on the cold list is Mayor Wayne Lippert for being slow on the draw at voting time. During a vote on funding for the sister cities committee, Lippert paused and pondered for several seconds when he realized that his vote would be the deciding ballot. In council, just like in games of paper, rock, scissors you’re supposed to move your hand at the same time as everyone else.

Coun. Buffy Baumbrough stays hot for braving the treacherous winter wracked Highway 97 on Thursday to attend a forum on agriculture in Kelowna. It’s impressive to see a council so keen on learning more about the environment that she ignored the swirling snow to attend the
information session. Failing to register on the thermometer this week is Coun. Pat Cochrane who was absent from council on Monday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Right on with the analysis-it is about time that someone recognized Mr Appease and Mayor what way is the wind blowing!