Monday, January 22, 2007

Woman in Hospital After Downtown Purse Snatching

(Jessica Samuels)
An elderly woman is in Hospital after suffering a broken leg in a purse snatching yesterday morning. The 82 year old woman was walking near the intersection of 31st ave and 33rd st at 830 AMwhen a thief pushed her to the ground. After grabbing her purse the suspect fled northbound on 33rd st. A witness pursued the man for a short distance but ended up losing site of the suspect.

The man is described as a caucasian male, 5-foot-11 inches tall with long dark hair. Anyone with information is asked to call the detachment or Crimestoppers. Police are warning seniors to use caution when walking downtown and travel in pairs when they can. As well as advising women keep their purse or fanny pack under their coat so hands can remain free

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