Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Crime Stats Dropping / Police Priorities For 2007

(Pete McIntyre) http://www.1075kiss.com/news/headlines/
Crime Stats Dropping
While many people may think crime is getting worse in Greater Vernon, the RCMP statistics tell a different story. At the first of weekly media news conference held by the local Mounties, Corporal Henry Proce says the latest numbers show decreases in the major criminal categories. "We seem to be doing the right things and our crime statistics are down, weekly, monthly and yearly as well. Commercial and residential B and E's, theft from autos, theft of autos, robberies and even violent crimes such as assault." The stats show there were three hundred fewer stolen vehicles last year, and two hundred less residential break ins. Inspector Steve McVarnock says there's a number of reasons for the decreases including the DVA's hiring of a private security firm, more police enforcement, and the traditional slow down of crime during the winter months.

Police Priorities For 2007
Improving road safety will be on one of the key priorities for the Vernon RCMP this year.
Inspector Steve McVarnock says there were 17 driving related fatalities in the Nort Okanagan last year, up from eight the previous year."I am told by the Traffic Services Unit that at least three-quarters of those fatalities arose from alcohol consumption. Hence, we've made that a priority at this detachment. In the last week alone, our members got (investigated) six impaired in two nights." McVarnock, who came to Vernon from Kelowna a couple months ago, says other priorities will be enhancing the police presence in the downtown, including disrupting the drug and sex trade activities. Police will also focus on prolific offenders and crack houses.
McVarnock says he's still considered the temporary officer in charge of the detachment and will find out in March if he gets the permanent job.

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