Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The Forai foul-up

By Richard Rolke Feb 21 2007

There’s no question that the North Okanagan Regional District has completely botched the departure of Dave Forai. Forai, the personable, fun-loving economic development manager since 2001, left his office at the Greater Vernon Services Committee two weeks ago. The problem is, the reason for his departure changes depending on who you talk to. The official party line from NORD and GVSC brass is that he’s on medical leave. But for every politician or bureaucrat who spouts that, there are an equal number who will tell you that there was no medical leave involved and Forai resigned.

Case in point is a press release issued by NORD last Friday. When asked if he agreed with the content, Vernon director Wayne Lippert stated, “No comment.” If it was in fact medical leave, wouldn’t Lippert have simply concurred with the release? Instead, his reply leaves one wondering if more is going on. In the past, NORD has issued a joint press release with any departing administration staff as a way of providing information to the media. That’s how it was done last year when chief administrative officer Barry Gagnon left his post. And while I understand there were some discussions with Forai about continuing this tradition, he is not a signatory to the release. What does that tell us about the situation?

Certainly GVSC chairman Gary Corner hasn’t instilled any faith. When asked Saturday why Forai wouldn’t be back on the job after medical leave is over, the reply was, “He won’t be returning because he won’t be returning.” Now if that isn’t a political response, I don’t know what is. I just don’t understand why NORD can’t be upfront about the situation. They may use the excuse that personnel matters are confidential, but they shoved that rule aside by announcing to the world that Forai is on sick leave. If there is something more to Forai leaving, then get it out there. A lack of disclosure only breeds conspiracy theories and that’s certainly not fair to Forai or to taxpayers who should feel confident that their affairs are being run properly.

Of course there is nothing stopping Forai from going public, but his approach of silence is at least better than the confusing mish-mash coming out of NORD. I always used to joke with Forai that the only job he created was his own, but he did an admirable job as economic development manager. He played an instrumental role in Vernon landing a call centre and he was never satisfied with the burgeoning service sector. He understood that if local youth are to remain here with good-paying careers, then the economy needs to expand to include manufacturing. While economic development had been neglected for decades, Forai made significant strides in increasing its profile.

But despite all of his enthusiasm, there were challenges, including stiff competition from other communities, a severe lack of industrial land, Vernon’s location away from major markets and a fractured political scene in the North Okanagan. Forai was a strong supporter of economic development moving from a Greater Vernon to North Okanagan focus, but it just stalled under the powers-that-be. Without any direction, it’s hard to remain motivated. Ultimately, Forai’s talents will be missed and the North Okanagan will be the loser. It’s too bad that his time here had to end on such a questionable note.

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