Friday, February 09, 2007


(Pete McIntyre)

$150-Grand NORD Review
A planned review of NORD's services could cost local taxpayers up to 150-thousanddollars. The city of Vernon asked for the review of the 19 services which will involve staff, lectedofficials and a provincial government rep. NORD chairman Jerry Oglow says the total is just a guess on the part of staff. Oglow says,'We really have no experience in doing 19 service review all at once, so we had tocome up with a number to work towards. It is our sincere hope that it would be significantlyless then that.' The review process will start next month.

Rates Increase for Parks, Rec and Water
Greater Vernon ratepayers will be shelling out more for parks, recreation and water thisyear. Water rates will rise 5.5 percent with part of that going to the Master Water Plan projectsand the rest for inflation. The parks and rec budget is rising eight percent. Chairman Gary Corner says six percent of that is to accommodate growth in the area. He says more people moving into the area has increased the demand for services.

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