Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Library Moving Forward: Costs To Be Explored

Vernon city council has committed to a new library on the Civic Complex site, and will next work on how it will be paid for. The new branch, which will be located between the current library and the RCMP building, has a preliminary price tag of $18 to 28 million. The Okanagan Regional Library Board has agreed to provide $ 9 million, leaving between 9 and 19 million up to the city. Mayor Wayne Lippert tells KISS FM, staff and planners will spend the next three to six months finalizing the design and cost, which will determine if a referendum will be needed. "Until we have the next step and the determination of what its going to look like and cost, that will determine if there will be a referendum or not." Lippert says grants are being applied for and partnerships with the Art Gallery, RCMP and other groups to share the cost, will be explored.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Staff and planners will spend the next 3 to 6 months finalizing plans and cost to determine if a referendum is necessary! What kind of bs is this. Is this a deliberate attempt to mislead the taxpayers.Regardless of grants, two additional floors would cost mega bucks-why not ask the taxpayer now? Open and transparent government-no, manipulative and hidden-YES!