Friday, February 16, 2007

Lippert takes aim at NORD

By RICHARD ROLKE Morning Star StaffFeb 16 2007

Vernon’s mayor has some sharp words for the North Okanagan Regional District over a review of functions. Mayor Wayne Lippert used Monday’s committee of the whole meeting to touch on a review of all regional functions the city belongs to. But many of his comments put NORD and its senior administration in a negative light. “I truly believe there is some fear-mongering,” he said. “They’re scaring everyone on the finances and due process.” NORD has suggested the service review could cost $150,000 or possibly more, something Lippert refutes.

“They keep cranking up the thousands this review will cost. But the only times (provincially) where there have been large costs is when withdrawal is involved,” he said. Lippert says the city has no plans to leave regional functions, but just wants to see if they are operating effectively. Lippert also claims that NORD administration is stalling some standard operations because of the review. “That’s totally wrong. It’s business as usual,” he said. Coun. Barry Beardsell is the city’s representative for the service review, but his participation has drawn criticism from some politicians in Coldstream and Spallumcheen.

“It’s unfortunate some have tried to put a negative connotation on it,” said Beardsell of the service review. “We don’t have a hidden agenda. We just want to see if things are being done in the best fashion possible and if there is value for money.” Beardsell added that all jurisdictions within the North Okanagan should be interested in efficient services. “It can be a positive for the city and the other members of NORD.”

Jerry Oglow, NORD chairman, discounts Lippert’s claims. “We have no history of doing 19 reviews (of functions) at once and staff is scrambling to budget enough money for it,” said Oglow. “It’s not fear-mongering but treading into unchartered waters.” Oglow fully supports a review of the functions. “At the end of the day, the amount of money will be money well spent. There are some fairly significant functions involved and they’re worthy of a thorough review,” he said.


Feb 16 2007 EDITORIAL

Verbal attacks must be shelved
The City of Vernon says it wants a review of regional services to be a positive experience, but that may be hard when it’s tossing the dirt around. Mayor Wayne Lippert’s comments about the North Okanagan Regional District are extremely unfortunate. Among his claims is that NORD is scaring politicians over the costs. First it should be pointed out that it was the City of Vernon that requested a review of all regional functions it participates in. With 19 services involved, the scope of the review is unprecedented on a provincial level. Because of that, there is extreme uncertainty about the costs involved and NORD officials are throwing out worst-case scenarios.

But with taxpayers’ dollars involved, it’s better to know the extreme end of the costs instead of underestimating them, and having to increase them later. Lippert also claims NORD administration is stalling various activities until the review is completed. While day-to-day operations shouldn’t grind to a halt, it’s unrealistic to take on new projects when there is a possibility the review may lead to substantial changes within the functions.

But not all of the antics are limited to Vernon. Both Coldstream and Spallumcheen politicians have questioned Coun. Barry Beardsell’s participation in the review. While Beardsell is very aggressive when it comes to financial matters, isn’t that the whole point of the service review — to determine if taxpayers’ money is being used wisely. Ultimately, scrutiny of the regional functions is a good idea. But it will only be effective if the politicians shelve the personal attacks and focus on the business at hand.

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