Monday, April 30, 2012

"Red Wigglers — the Cadillac of worms!"

ESQUIMALT - The Township of Esquimalt is pleased to announce that one square meter of floor space on the third floor of the Municipal Hall has recently been rezoned to accommodate a brand new high density "worm condo" composter. Spearheaded by municipal employees, this initiative will aim to divert compostable food waste (e.g. apple cores, fruit peels, veggie scraps, coffee grounds and tea bags) from the Municipal Hall's waste stream. A team of hard-working red wriggler worms will happily transform the 'waste' into composting, which will be harvested every 5-6 months and will be offered to staff for their gardens or houseplants. The worm 'condo' is a self-contained indoor composting box that requires minimal maintenance.

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