Thursday, February 22, 2007

Utilities surcharge promised in green plan

Canoe (full story) By SCOTT SUTHERLAND VICTORIA (CP) -

British Columbia consumers can expect to feel the first financial sting from the provincial government's green plan in the very near future. Energy Minister Richard Neufeld confirmed that the B.C. government plans to slap a surcharge on all public utilities to build its "Innovative Clean Energy Fund," promised as part of an ambitious plan to cut greenhouse gases laid out in last week's throne speech. "I can tell you it would be less than one per cent . . . . on domestic consumer utility bills," Neufeld said in an interview, noting it will likely require approval from the B.C. Utilities Commission. Neufeld said the move will affect electricity producers BC Hydro and Fortis (TSX:FTS) as well as natural gas providers including Terasen Gas and Pacific Northern Gas (TSX:PNG). He said his ministry is talking to all these utilities about "how we can move this forward to get enough from their revenue to cover the $25 million a year."

Opposition NDP energy critic John Horgan said it is a stretch to announce a fund in the throne speech that people would assume was a government initiative, only to find it will be paid for by consumers. "There is not a thing wrong with having a fund for innovative, clean energy now and into the future," he said. "But if you are going to make it a user fee, then call it a user fee," he demanded.
Don Quixote Note: You also know the Feds will slap the 6% GST on top of this user fee as is already done on the Franchise fee (3.09% + GST) on your Gas Bill.

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