Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Vernon's Caring Canadian

By GREGORY SAWISKY Tuesday, February 27, 2007 http://www.dailycourier.ca/article_992.php (Full article)

A local volunteer who has been donating her time in Vernon for more than 20 years was recognized with a national award yesterday.Nancy Ingersoll was presented with the Governor General’s Caring Canadian Award at City Hall on Monday for her efforts and involvement in a variety of programs in the community. “Your positive attitude is inspiring,” said Coun. Juliette Cunningham.Mayor Wayne Lippert echoed Coun. Cunningham’s sentiments during the presentation.“I am privileged to bestow this honour on one of our citizens,” he said.Ingersoll said she was moved by the award and presentation.“It’s lovely to be recognized. It’s nice I think in the aspect [that] I can bring some awareness to volunteering and the services available in Vernon which are varied and many,” she said.

Ingersoll has spent more than 20 years volunteering with the People in Need Crisis Line Intervention Society, Teens Talk Line and the Good Morning Program for Seniors.“It’s such a crucial service. It really is something I really believe in very passionately,” she said.“I started out as a volunteer many years ago but that was for only about a year and a half and joined the board [of directors] a few years later and been with them ever since,” Ingersoll added. But the crisis line is just one of the many services and organizations in town fortunate to have her.Ingersoll co-founded the Vernon and district Parent Advisory Council (DPAC) in 1993 to establish effective communication between trustees, school officials, teachers and parents at a time of great change in the education system, she said.She has also tutored adults at Okanagan College with literacy skills and has been the Captain Canvasser for the Canadian Cancer Society for the past 13 years in addition to volunteering with the scouting program for several years.

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