Thursday, March 29, 2007

Anti-Idle Bylaw kicks in for real

Mar, 29 2007 - 12:00 AM VANCOUVER/CKNW(AM980) - CKNW

As of now, if you leave your vehicle idling for longer than three minutes, City of Vancouver By-law Officers could write you a ticket. Fines will range from 50 dollars for a basic violation to 100 dollars for a heavy truck or unattended vehicle.Project Manager Brian Beck says the City isn't anticipating a backlash when the tickets start to go out, "People will save money by doing this, they'll also reduce emissions and cut down on noise and just be respectful of their fellow citizens. So we don't think we're asking a lot. I don't think we're going to get a lot of backlash; we're taking some internal steps as the Parking By-law Officers engage, they're doing it in a respectful way and hopefully we'll have some success." During a six month education and awareness campaign, residents were encouraged to call an Idle-Free Hotline reporting repeat offenders and problem locations. Beck says a few hundred complaints came in, many over noise concerns. The areas affected were widespread.

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