Thursday, March 01, 2007

City, Okanagan Spring brewing up solutions

By Scott NeufeldThursday, March 1, 2007,

The City of Vernon is continuing to work with one of the city’s biggest industries to reduce its sewage waste.City staff will be meeting with representatives from the Okanagan Spring Brewery today to get an update on their progress in reducing sewage output.The brewery currently discharges more sewage than is allowed under local bylaws, but the city won’t assess any extra charges. Environment manager Dale Danallanko said the brewery has been extremely co-operative in working with the city to reduce sewage disposal.“Brewery waste tends to be a high strength waste as defined in the (sanitary sewage use) bylaw,” Danallanko said. “We’ve been working with Okanagan Spring for a few years now to encourage them to comply with the bylaw.”

High strength waste is defined as waste which has more conventional pollutants than normal. Danallanko said the high levels of waste are a byproduct of the brewing process. He said other cities such as Creston and Guelph, Ont. have had similar issues with their breweries but are much closer to solving the problem than Vernon is.Although it’s not a pressing concern, Danallanko said the city needs to encourage the brewery to invoke a cleaner brewing process to reduce the workload of Vernon’s sewer treatment plant. The sale of Okanagan Spring’s parent company, Sleeman Breweries, to a Japanese brewing company, has thrown the completion date of the project into some doubt, Danallanko said. “Due to the recent corporate changes the brewery needs a little more time,” Danallanko said.There is a standing council resolution that the brewery be ordered to work with the city to reduce quantity of the wastewater and improve the quality, Danallanko said. Until the city and brewery work together to find a solution, the brewery will not be assessed additional charges under the sewer use bylaw.The brewery’s engineer was not available for comment by press time.
Sleeman’s Guelph Operation
Cost Efficiencies in the Brewing Business Highlights• On-site carbon dioxide recovery system with potential savings of $150,000/yr• 30% potential reduction in water and sewer costs, saving $62,500/yr•

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