Friday, March 30, 2007

Council demands meeting with MLA

By RICHARD ROLKE Morning Star Staff Mar 30 2007

The City of Vernon claims it’s getting the run-around from MLA Tom Christensen. Council demanded Monday that it have another meeting with Christensen after it found a letter from him unsatisfactory. “I did swear when I received the letter because it didn’t address a single concern I had,” said Coun. Barry Beardsell. Christensen’s letter dealt with a number of issues raised by council during a previous meeting. Among the issues are waterfront lands, casino funds, redevelopment of mobile home parks, safety on Highway 97, closure of government liquor stores, grants for Greater Vernon water and funding for Vernon Jubilee Hospital.

Christensen admits he is getting frustrated with council. “They want answers to general questions and when I do provide them, they want more details,” he said. “I would expect there are better issues they could be sinking their teeth into than getting me to run around. I’ve tried to be helpful to them.” To try and resolve the situation, Christensen says he will try to connect council directly with the cabinet ministers or senior staff related to the issues. Among the most contentious issue has been the fact that development fund revenue generated at Lake City Casino in Vernon is being spent at other casinos owned by the company. “This is effectively a business decision from B.C. Lottery Corporation and I’m advised that they do not intend to make any changes to this policy,” states Christensen in the letter.

However, that didn’t go over well with Beardsell. “His response is, ‘It’s a separate corporation. It’s out of‑our (government’s) hands.’ That’s totally unsatisfactory,” said Beardsell. Beardsell also wants the city to get a portion of funds when the province sells infilled foreshore along Okanagan Lake. “It’s thoroughly disgusting and we’ve had no help from our MLA,” Beardsell said of the province’s policies. Christensen refers to the issue in his letter. “I have reiterated to minister Bell the City of Vernon’s view that the proceeds of any sale of infilled foreshore should be shared with the city. “I have not yet received any formal response to that suggestion,” he writes.

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