Thursday, March 22, 2007

The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight

As I mentioned in a previous post, I went to the GVSC meeting this morning to confirm whether the NORD Budget had been passed without any substantial amendments. At the end of the open part of the GVSC meeting I inquired of the NORD chair if there had been any substantial changes in regards to the Requisition Analysis for the City of Vernon in 2007. I was assured that there had been no changes.

I pointed out that there was a discrepancy on the SIR Parcel Tax figure in 2007 and they had used $344,918 instead of the correct figure of $15,234 for the 121.23 acres to be charged. Naturally this would effect the total tax figure of 10.2% that is shown as being the tax increase for Vernon. And you can imagine the surprise of those poor land owners who would be charged $2845 per acre instead of the actual tax required of $125 per acre !

This mistake was acknowledged by the NORD Chairman and the NORD CEO and any required amendment to the bylaw will be made by the tax deadline. I suggested that a board meeting probably was required and maybe this one be a free no meeting cost gathering.

It was obvious to me that someone had plugged in the identical amount from the tourism/economic function by mistake into the SIR parcel tax field. The percentages including a 38.1% for ( total excluding gvsc etc. ) were calculated by the spread sheet program and stood out like a sore thumb for anyone actually reading these sheets.

It was an easy mistake to make and it should have been caught by the financial staff at NORD and by the Vernon Reps at the NORD meeting. Perhaps because of the excessive debate about the Service Review amount of $150,000 s/b $95,000 that consumed an hour and a half everyone just wanted to approve the budget and go home.

Vernon's requistion increase for NORD will be 6.3% NOT 10.2%

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