Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Second Woman Enters Race

http://www.1075kiss.com/news/headlines/ (Pete McIntyre)
The Green Party has selected its local candidate for the next federal election.
Huguette Beaudin-Allen from the Lumby area won the nomination over Aaron Vallejo of Armstrong. No vote totals have been released but about 30 people attended the meeting in Vernon Monday night. Allen is a business consultant and computer analyst. She has worked on the Salmon Trail in Lumby and with the group against putting effluent into Sugar Lake. This will be her first try at political office. Allen says one of her aims is to educate the public that the Green's are more than just a one issue party."It (the party's platform) is not just saying, 'We're going to look after the environment. We're going to make sure there's clean water' and so on, which of course it does say, but it's also saying there's going to be a lot of green jobs created. There's going to be a vast reduction on income taxes." Allen says under the Green plan, companies that pollute would pay more taxes. M-P Colin Mayes of the Conservatives and Buffy Baumbrough of the Liberals are the other nominated candidates. The NDP holds its nomination April 22, and two-time candidate Alice Brown is expected to get the nod. If she does, three of the four local candidates would be women.
Huguette Beaudin-Allen http://www.sensociety.org/direct.htm

Huguette comes from Quebec, most recently the Gaspé coast, where she co-owned and operated Imagine-Ere, an organization that designed and ran educational camps and holidays. She moved near Lumby in 2003 to live closer to her family. Her greatest concerns are overpopulation, over-consumption, and over-development. She is alarmed at the rate of destruction of habitats, and joins her voice to the many groups who fight this eco-destruction.
Huguette has been president of the Quebec Regional Council for the Environment (Gaspé division) and has been a director of the Environnement Vert-Plus ecologist group of the Gaspé since 1994. As well, she represented her region’s environmental groups on the Regional Developmental Council. Huguette is a consultant who prides herself on helping small and medium sized organizations get the most productivity through better organization and teamwork. Huguette has worked closely with Mi’gmaq communities teaching computer skills and developing various training programs for teens and adults.

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