Wednesday, March 21, 2007


REGULAR Meeting of the GREATER VERNON SERVICES COMMITTEE to be held in the Board Room of the Regional District Office at 8:00 a.m., THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 2007
  • 2.1 Proposal for taxation based financing of the Master Water Plan received March 8, 2007. Mr. Kiss will appear as a delegation regarding his proposal.
  • 5.1 Report from Alan Harris, Chief Financial Officer dated February 15, 2007. Recommendation: THAT the report from the Chief Financial Officer dated February 15, 2007 re Master Water Plan Analysis be received for information.
  • 1. THAT Greater Vernon Services Water Utility Rates Imposition Bylaw No. 2236, 2007 be approved as circulated. 2. THAT Greater Vernon Services Water Utility Rates Imposition Bylaw No. 2236, 2007 be referred to the Regional Board for three readings and adoption.
  • 5.6 Report from Al Cotsworth, Water Manager dated March 14, 2007. Recommendation: 1. THAT Earth Tech (Canada Inc) be awarded the Duteau Creek Water Treatment Plant Detailed Design in an amount not to exceed $523,230 be approved; 2. THAT an additional $76,000 for other forecasted allowances and contingencies be approved. 3. THAT early budget authorization in the amount of $599,230 for the Duteau Creek Water Treatment Plant Detailed Design be approved
  • 8.1 Report from Tom Fletcher, Interim General Manager dated March 12, 2007. Recommendation: THAT the report from the Interim General Manager dated March 12, 2007 re Update on Economic Development Reports be received for information.
  • THAT GVS allow the Greater Vernon Dragon Boat Race & Festival the opportunity to bring food vendors on Kalamalka Lake Beach during this event under the following conditions:(a) Vendors not be permitted to sell French fries (b) That the 2007 Greater Vernon Dragon Boat Race & Festival organizer pay the permanent concession operator a total of $700 in compensation for loss of sales during the event.
  • 10.1 At the regular meeting of the Regional Board (FULL) held last Wednesday, March 7, 2007, the attached draft Remuneration and Expense Bylaw was referred to the Finance and Administration Committee, the Electoral Area Services Committee, and the Greater Vernon Services Committee for discussion and recommendation back to the Board. Recommendation: THAT the Greater Vernon Services Committee advise the Regional Board that it wishes to maintain the current remuneration levels for the Greater Vernon Services Committee as established under Schedule “A” of Bylaw No. 1947, 2004 and amendments made thereto.

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