Monday, March 19, 2007

Liberal Nominee Elected

Starlee Speers, Standard Radio News

The Okanagan Shuswap Federal Liberals have chosen Vernon City Councillor, Buffy Baumbrough as their candidate for the next election. Riding Vice-President Janna Francis says all three candidates had strong speeches and expressed similar themes like the environment Francis, who admits it will be a challenge for the Liberals in the riding, says all three also expressed excitement at working with Liberal leader Stephane Dion. She says the candidate will have a strong team behind them. Baumbrough defeated Celista Farmer, Jake Ootes and University student, Scott Blurton with a majority in the first round of voting. Baumbrough says her first task is to prepare for an election which could come at any time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Expressed excitement working with Dion! That would be like excitement from watching paint dry!