Thursday, March 29, 2007

Open letter to Minister Stockwell Day


Open letter to Minister Stockwell Day OTTAWA, March 29 /CNW Telbec/ -
March 29, 2007
The Honourable Stockwell Day
Minister Public Safety Canada
340 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0P8
Dear Minister:
RE: Equality for RCMP Members - Accountability for RCMP Management
Revelations at the Public Accounts Committee on March 28th have, once again, focused on the lack of accountability and lack of transparency of senior management within the RCMP. Once again, we find ourselves pleading with you to address the systemic and long-standing issues of inequality within the RCMP. Accountability for RCMP senior managers begins with granting RCMP members the right to form and participate in an independent, representative police association; a right bestowed to all other police officers in Canada.

Currently, RCMP members are not entitled to the same fundamental workplace equality and labour rights as other police officers, and RCMP Management is not held to the same standard of accountability as other police managers. The internal discipline and grievance systems end with the Commissioner of the RCMP as the final level of appeal. That, coupled with the fact that the internal representation program is not independent from management, leaves many members of the RCMP vulnerable and exposed on workplace-management issues. The RCMP approach has been to deny, minimize, ignore, or cover up these concerns. A system of democratic representation for RCMP members will significantly increase the efficiency, accountability and transparency of Canada's national police service.

Despite numerous efforts by our association, and our members within the RCMP to achieve these changes, you have steadfastly refused to address these concerns. The time has come to grant RCMP members the same fundamental rights and freedoms enjoyed by their peers across Canada. We urge you to reconsider your stance, and introduce legislation that will afford members of the RCMP the same fundamental equality and labour rights as all other police officers in Canada.

Sincerely (signed)
Tony Cannavino, President
c.c. Prime Minister Stephen Harper, P.C.
All Members of Parliament
National Press Gallery
Day Calls Investigation into RCMP Scandal
Daniel Proussalidis Thursday, March 29, 2007

Public Safety Minister Stockwell Day for a "full public report" into the RCMP pension scandal. He will appoint an independent investigator who'll report back within 12 weeks on allegations of fraud and abuse of the RCMP pension and insurance plans. Day is not launching an official public inquiry, saying it would take too long. This all comes after the Commons Public Accounts Comittee held an emergency meeting Thursday. Members discussed accusations that serving Mounties tried to block investigations into alleged mismanagement of the RCMP's pension and insurance plans.

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