Wednesday, April 25, 2007


City Looks to Protect Heritage Buildings .(Pete McIntyre)

The city of Vernon is looking at ways to protect and preserve privately-owned heritage buildings. Council is considering certain incentives for heritage owners to prevent the older buildings from being demolished. Councillor Patrick Nicol feels the city has to find ways to encourage the owners. 'At some point we are simply going to have to value these properties and identify them and reward them or they simply will not exist. They'll be gone.' Nicol would like the city to consider a heritage tax relief program which he says has been a success in Kelowna. Council has referred the issue to its Heritage Advisory Committee for input.

DVA Announces New Executive
The Downtown Vernon Association’s Board of Directors has announced it has selected the organization’s executive officers for 2007/08. Topping the executive officers list is Malcom Dunn of Kal-Mor Mortgages who has been elected as DVA President, a position he held last year. Nola Neilson of Creatabls Clothing will continue as Vice President for the DVA. The Treasurer will be Shannon Collins of Valley First Credit Union who moves onto the DVA executive for the first time. The organization’s Secretary is Mary Jo O’Keefe of MJO Communications. The new DVA officers were elected at the organization’s Board of Directors meeting and retreat on April 21st.

Commenting on his re-election, Malcom Dunn said, "I am honoured that my fellow Board members feel positive about the DVA’s accomplishments over the past year and the overall direction we are going." "We have had to make some hard decisions on downtown security last year but thanks to the support of our Security Partners we have made a noticeable difference." "I expect that security will remain a topic of interest over the coming year," said Dunn, "but our new Board is not going to forget the DVA has an important leadership role to play in many other areas including special events, downtown development, marketing, mural tours, etc." He concluded, "I am looking forward to working with the new Board, the membership and the staff so we can have another productive year for the DVA." (News release)

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