Wednesday, April 25, 2007

City reduces service reviews

By RICHARD ROLKE Morning Star StaffApr 25 2007

The City of Vernon is easing up substantially when it comes to scrutinizing regional functions.
On Monday, council agreed to back out of formal reviews for seven services provided by the North Okanagan Regional District. “That brings the reviews down to a practical level,” said Coun. Barry Beardsell, who is involved in the process. No longer part of the review are parks and recreation, the Multiplex, victims assistance, regional development services, Greater Vernon governance, the Okanagan Basin Water Board and the Sterile Insect Release program.
The city had originally sought 19 reviews of functions to determine efficiency. In March, six other reviews were abandoned after discussions between city and NORD officials.

Among the six remaining are water, general government for NORD and emergency services such as the Jaws of Life. In terms of the Okanagan Basin Water Board and SIR, the city has decided that any operational changes rest with Victoria because they were formed under provincial legislation. “NORD has done as much as it can and it needs to be dealt with at the provincial level,” said Beardsell. Much of the focus will be on the basin water board, which deals with milfoil control and improving water quality. “It was set up with unclear terms of reference on how it should operate. A number of things need to be determined,” said Beardsell.

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