Thursday, April 26, 2007

Letter reveals new Tory program (new sponsorship program )

Globe and Mail OTTAWA --
Heritage Minister Bev Oda asked Conservative MPs to suggest which events should get money from a new sponsorship program even before rules for the $30-million plan have been established. In an April 18 note to Tory MPs, Ms. Oda insisted that the program will be run diligently, with "clear funding criteria" to establish which cultural events will get money. But she also asked MPs from her party to suggest events in their ridings that should get grants. New Democratic Party MP Charlie Angus, who found a copy of the letter in the committee-session room that the Conservatives use for caucus meetings, said the questionnaire suggests that the Tory government plans to use its new sponsorship program as a partisan slush fund.

"It's pork-barrelling," he said. "Arts and heritage groups should be able to apply for relevant projects. They shouldn't be given out as favours through the Conservative Party to ridings that vote Conservative."After Mr. Angus held a press conference to make the letter public, Ms. Oda announced in the Commons yesterday that she would also send the letter to MPs from other parties. "The program does not yet exist," she said. "The government wants to address the real needs of our communities, and we will do it through a fully accountable and transparent process." Ms. Oda left the Commons through a back door after Question Period. A spokeswoman, Véronique Bruneau, declined to say whether Ms. Oda decided to ask MPs from other parties for input after her note to Tories was made public. "I think it shows that she got caught in the headlights of accountability," Mr. Angus said.

Don Quixote: Hopefully our local M.P. used the 8 day head start to promote Funtastic and our local Art Gallery any other elgible groups in his riding etc. ??

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