Sunday, April 15, 2007

The Liberals had the Rally but the Tories were more interesting

I attended the Liberal Rally today and with all the Media that attended I am sure we will have a first hand account with pictures and quotes from the speech that Stephane Dion gave and the question and answer session that followed. I will leave the details for the so called professional press but with the Dean of the Local Press Corps (R. Rabbit) missing, the quality may not be up to his prolific if not proficient writing style.

I was there to see who else was there and I was surprised to see two prominent Tories . Behind the bar was a recently reaffirmed Tory Board member and in the audience was an equally prominent but now a Non board member who was bypassed at the latest Conservative Annual General Meeting held recently.
What more surprises will be coming from the Tory camp in the next couple weeks? Will we see other prominent community minded members entering the political battlefield and water down the heretofore rock solid Conservative vote?
Lets all sit back and watch the upcoming election fight in this riding. Don't be surprised if the election call comes in the next 10 days !

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