Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Nightclub adds more security

By roger knox Morning Star StaffApr 18 2007

RCMP concerns about teen night events at a Vernon nightclub have been heard by the club’s owners. Insp. Steve McVarnock got together last Thursday with the owners of the Mix Nightclub after RCMP released to the media details of problems their members faced following a teen night event at the club on April 8. “We met and expressed our concerns about the event to them, and came up with some ideas for the next one,” said McVarnock. Mix manager Darwin Tchir called the meeting with police positive. “We have agreed to provide additional security outside the club for the duration of the event,” said Tchir.

The Mix has hosted approximately 20-such teen nights since 2005. The event is open to teens aged 13 to 18 at a cost of $10 per teen, and no alcohol is served at the club during the event. In fact, the club must apply to provincial bodies for a liquor de-licensing permit for one night to host such an event. Once inside, teens are not allowed to leave the premises unless they’re willing to re-pay, and Tchir said the club is adamant that no teens are allowed inside who appear to be under the influence of some type of substance. Police, however, charged six minors with being in possession of alcohol outside the Mix on April 8. One teen was ticketed for public urination and a 16-year-old girl was taken to cells for being drunk in a public place. McVarnock stated that, in no way, is the Vernon RCMP alleging or accusing the Mix of serving alcohol during teen nights. “We know that kids are getting the liquor beforehand, and consuming it before they enter the premises,” said McVarnock. “We do know that at least one parent bought alcohol for their children before the last teen night.”

What also concerned police was the fact they had to use all of their on-duty members plus the integrated bar inspection team to help disperse the crowd, which police estimated at between 200 and 300 people, following the event. Tchir said the club’s practice is to have its security help with sending the crowd on its way. “At the end of the night, our inside security moves outside. It’s always been that way to help disperse crowds,” he said. Police have promised to keep a marked vehicle in front of the club for the next teen night, to see if that will make any type of difference. Asked if there was a rift between police and the club, McVarnock said “no.” "None at all,” he stated. “In fact, the liquor inspector was at the same meeting, and we explained some of the consequences that clubs face if they don’t comply with regulations.”

McVarnock stated that another Vernon nightclub will be suspended for two days for serving alcohol to minors. McVarnock said police and the nightclub are being pro-active. “We don’t want to wait for a situation where a young kid gets assaulted inside or outside at one of these events,” he said. The Mix is planning its next teen night for Sunday, May 20, which will be a foam party night. Tchir said parents and guardians are welcome to come to the event, at no charge, and view the goings-on inside the club. He reiterated that the club’s teen nights are “highly secure, safe and problematic free.”

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