Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Parking Ticket Quota Bonus (Kelowna)

by Kelly Hayes - Story: 29099April 25, 2007 Castanet

Impark is not saying, but the City of Kelowna is convinced the extra money isn't being offered as an incentive to write more parking tickets. Impark takes over from the Corps of Commissionaires next month. Part of the contract with Impark includes a bonus for anything above 40,000 paid tickets in a year. The Commissionaires had a similar contract where they were paid $1 a ticket above 30,000 written tickets in a year. The Commissionaires hit the mark once in its five year contract and say that its employees did not know about the bonus. "It's not something the rank and file know about," says Commissionaires Operations Manager, Pat Patterson. "Because we don't want them to go out there and write more tickets." He says the extra money collected last year ($3,000) went into general revenue. Despite repeated calls to Impark, the company refuses to comment about its new contract.

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