Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Vernon 420 Rally

Starlee Speers, Standard Radio News http://www.vernon.thesun.net/node/516214

Vernon RCMP says staff at Greater Vernon services were duped when they issued a permit to use Cenotaph Park for a free concert last Friday. Corporal Henry Proce says, the group used the park to have a demonstration to legalize marijuana. Proce says, about 30 to 40 people were smoking marijuana, police were videotaping the event but no arrests were made. Internationally, April 20 has become the day pot enthusiasts hold massive smoke-ins to call for the legalization of marijuana.
Smoke-in at the park (Video)Web posted on Tuesday, 24 April 2007 When dope smokers invade a city park, Vernon Mounties only watch.

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