Sunday, May 27, 2007

Council says Halfway House Proposal Premature !!

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Halfway House Plan On Hold
There's been a major new development in the initiative for a new halfway house for paroled offenders in Vernon. Corrections Canada was to have made an announcement Monday as to which of two groups was the successful bidder for a new 14 bed facility. However, the city of Vernon has sent a letter to Corrections Director Brian Lang, insisting that its concerns first be 'taken into account and thoroughly explored.' Mayor Wayne Lippert says in the letter, the city continues to feel the proposal is 'premature' given that the Bill Abramenko case has not been resolved and there's been 'little public consultation.' Lippert says the city is not in favour of moving forward on the plan without further input. He's asking Corrections to defer its announcement on Monday and instead come talk with council about the concerns.
Lisa Bayne from Corrections tells KISS FM, they will abide by the city's request, and will attend Monday's meeting to discuss the situation. However, she still feels an announcement on the succesful bidder will be made 'very soon' after the outstanding issues are discussed. (Pete McIntyre) )5/25/07

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