Friday, May 04, 2007

Jubilee growth on tap

By RICHARD ROLKE Morning Star Staff May 04 2007

A major expansion at Vernon Jubilee Hospital is going ahead. Health Minister George Abbott is scheduled to hold a press conference at the hospital today. “You can look forward to some very good news about the tower,” said Abbott during a brief interview Thursday. Except for confirming that the conference is about the proposed treatment and diagnostic tower, Abbott would not get into details. “We will be announcing a major investment at Vernon Jubilee Hospital,” he said. The tower — which would be constructed on the site of the Alexander wing — would include emergency, ambulatory care, intensive care and central sterilization services. It could also include the maternal/child department.

The most recent estimate pinpointed the project at $80 million, but skyrocketing construction costs could impact the final figure. The North Okanagan-Columbia-Shuswap Regional Hospital has committed 40 per cent of the funding through taxation. Plans for a new diagnostic and treatment tower have been surrounded by controversy. Some physicians suggest the tower will do nothing to address a shortage of beds at VJH and may delay ultimate replacement of the hospital. During an interview in February, Abbott stated a major upgrade can’t be done all at once because the hospital must continue providing service during construction. “The ambulatory care tower is a key part of phasing in other changes that will be made in time,” he said at the time. Also attending the press conference will be Tom Christensen, Okanagan Vernon MLA. However, Christensen is remaining quiet about specifics. “I don’t have the full details but George will be there so it is a health care matter,” he said.
Don Quixote Note: If you want the official explanation of why the local property taxholders have to pony up the 40% while the lower mainland property owners pay zero towards hospital Construction Costs read Minister of Health replies to Don Quixote E-Mail of Dec. 5/06 CLICK ON TABLE TO ENLARGE

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