Tuesday, May 29, 2007


(Pete McIntyre) http://www.1075kiss.com/news/headlines/

More Discussions Planned for Halfway House
Vernon city council wants more questions answered before deciding if it will support a new halfway house for parole offenders. Brian Lang from Corrections Canada appeared before council Monday, outlining the process and agreeing to hold-off on announcing the successful bidder for the facility, until the city's concerns have been addressed. Lang says says they will not proceed until they have the city's support. 'One of the main concerns they have is around the investigation that was done following Mr.Abramenko's murder and we're attempting to find a way to get information to them that would hopefully satisfy some of their concerns around what happened and what steps have been taken to try and mitigate against that happening again.'
Council will also be requesting information from the National Parole Board and the RCMP on how those agencies handled the Abramenko case in 2004. Abramenko's accused murderer, Eric Fish, will go on trial in January.

1 Million to Keep O'Keefe Ranch Open
The future of the historic O'Keefe Ranch is in limbo. President Rod Drennan says the ranch needs 1.1 million dollars from the city and NORD over thenext four years, to remain in operation. Drennan notes the city owns the attraction, and the money is desperately needed for capital upgrades and operating. The group has asked for a response before June 15-th.
'A straight rejection would certainly tell some of our board members, not speaking for me and I'm not speaking for the board, but it would certainly tell some of our board members that we can't carry on like this beyond the current year.' Drennan says some of the funding would be used to open a new R-V Park which would generate new revenue for the ranch. City council has referred the issue to its finance committee for discussion.

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