Thursday, May 03, 2007

Liberal candidate in Edmonton resigns amid mounting controversies

May 3, 2007, EST. 940 News

OTTAWA (CP) - A Liberal candidate for the next election resigned Thursday amid mounting controversy over his intemperate views and exaggerated academic credentials. Farhan Chak offered his resignation after discussions with party officials, said Liberal spokesperson Elizabeth Whiting. The party accepted his resignation, effective immediately. Chak was nominated last month to carry the Liberal banner in Edmonton-Millwoods-Beaumont. Since then, Tory bloggers have had a field day, digging up articles written by Chak in the past which reveal some impolitic views about Israel, India and Islamic terrorists. And they've revelled in reports that Chak once faced criminal charges, which were later dropped in what Chak says was a matter of mistaken identity. But what appears to have been the last straw for the Liberal party came Thursday when a blogger revealed that Chak never earned a PhD from the University of Durham in England, as claimed on his website. Chak's website was revised later in the day to explain that he's completed the course work for his doctoral program but has not yet finished his thesis or received the degree.

1 comment:

audacious said...

ah, scandals and more scandals ...j