Sunday, May 13, 2007

New Auxiliaries Sworn In (Kelowna)

by Wayne Moore -May 13, 2007 Castanet

City worker by day, Auxiliary cop by night. Dale Aulenback, a city inspector, was one of 10 Auxiliary officers to receive his RCMP badge during a ceremony Sunday. Aulenback is a veteran of the Gulf War, and says it's the concept of a team that drew him to the RCMP Auxiliary force. "It's like a big family, and that's what I missed when I left the military. I wanted to be part of a team again, and I have definitely found that here," says Aulenback. All 10 recruits were subjected to a rigorous five month training program, which included being on the receiving end of a taser and pepper spray. "The whole training process was more in-depth than I thought it would be. I thought it was going to be a brief overview about the law and what you are allowed to do and not allowed to do."

The 10 new officers brings to 60 the number of RCMP Auxiliary officers within the Kelowna RCMP ranks, giving the city one of the largest Auxiliary forces in the province. Kelowna RCMP Superintendent, Bill McKinnon, says the auxiliary officers are an invaluable part of the RCMP detachment. "They add visibility and safety for our members. It means two to a car and two to a beat. They assist with everything from traffic control for events to security and regular patrols with other members," says McKinnon. He says it's his goal to have 80 Auxiliary officers by 2010. Auxiliary RCMP officers are all volunteers, however, McKinnon says a new pilot will see a handful promoted to paid positions. McKinnon says later this year, six to 10 Auxiliary officers will gain the title of "Community Safety Officers." "They'll be able to do everything from run the breathalyzer and radar enforcement to school liaison and scene containment." The new officers have already been on the job for more than a month. One of Aulenback's first duties during his first shift was to attend the scene of Evan Wilkes' murder. "It was a real eye opener. You're definitely involved and you're out there to protect the public. Serve and protect."
Starlee Speers, Standard Radio News
Auxiliary Recruit Extension (VERNON)
Vernon RCMP have extended their deadline for auxiliary officers for a third time. Constable Trevor Tribes says, they're allowing until the end of May for people to hand in their completed applications. Training is expected to start in the fall and will be every Saturday for three months. Tribes says, applications are still available and can be picked up at the Vernon detachment.

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