Sunday, May 27, 2007

Residents asked to borrow $20 million

By RICHARD ROLKE Morning Star Staff May 27 2007

Vernonites are being asked to borrow $20 million for a new library/administration office complex. The city will seek public approval to borrow money for the project through an alternate approval process in July. If 10 per cent of voters sign a petition in opposition, a loan cannot proceed. But Mayor Wayne Lippert doesn’t see that happening. “We’re confident this will go ahead,” he said of the project. “If it (alternate approval process) fails, we could go to referendum. There are other ways to do this.”

On Friday, the city and Okanagan Regional LIbrary signed an agreement that will see both jurisdictions provide funding for the building between city hall and the current library. “We’re looking forward to a great new facility,” said Rick Fairbairn, ORL director. The total price tag is $29 million, with ORL bringing $9 million to the table. The building would be three to five storeys in size, with a new library covering the entire ground floor or 30,000-square-feet.
It’s anticipated construction could begin in the fall 2008, with it completed in late 2009. “I’m happy it’s going ahead finally,” said Maureen Kuch, Vernon’s head librarian. The current branch is half the size of what is planned and Kuch says it’s not big enough to meet local needs, especially when it comes to Internet access, study space and children’s programs. “Our magazine collection is about a third of what we should be providing.”

The rest of the building would contain city and RCMP offices, as well as possibly the art gallery. The museum would expand into the existing library. Coun. Patrick Nicol is confident the new building can fit into the designated space and still provide a sense of openness. “This is a foundation piece for our community,” he said.

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