Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Temporary solution within reach

By Jordan Nicurity Wed, May 30, 2007

After months of searching, a temporary homeless shelter has been located and the rental agreement negotiated. Although the deal has been agreed upon, there are some details that still need to be addressed. “The deal can‘t be finalized until safety and renovation issues are addressed. We have a duty to ensure that we meet fire standards and other safety requirements,” said Annette Sharkey, executive director of the Social Planning Council for the North Okanagan. The installation of shower facilities is at the top of the list of renovations that must be completed before the shelter can be put to use. Sharkey declined to speculate on a timeline for the facility to be up and running, stating that many variables could affect the date. According to Sharkey, initial funding for the shelter will be provided by the First Nations Friendship Centre, although the BC Housing Authority is expected to provide additional funding once the safety and renovation issues have been dealt with. “BC Housing recognizes that there is a major gap in services in the area and we see them as a major partner,” said Sharkey, noting that the location of a temporary facility does not mean that efforts to locate a permanent facility have slowed. “Right now the pressure is to get people in from outside. Once we do that we can really focus on a permanent facility,” said Sharkey. Vernon has been without a homeless shelter since the Salvation Army‘s shelter was closed earlier this month due to a lack of funding. That closure came after the emergency women‘s shelter was shut down earlier in the spring. The new shelter will provide 15 men and 10 women with a mat to sleep on and is located in the Sigalet leasing building on Highway 97, across from Sir Winston‘s Pub. Although the demand for a permanent facility with addiction and mental health services is high, Sharkey emphasized that the process cannot be rushed. “We‘re looking at a couple of good possibilities but there is a lot of legwork and research we need to do.” “We want this to be a permanent place, not something we will have to move in the future,” Sharkey said.

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