Friday, May 25, 2007

Township considering development charges

By Tyler Olsen Morning Star Staff May 25 2007
As plans to develop Spallumcheen’s southeast sector inch along, the township is considering implementing development cost charges to recoup part of the initial servicing cost. Council decided Tuesday to approve a preliminary study on the feasibility of charging developers. Mayor Will Hansma said the revenue would help the township deal with immediate infrastructure issues. “We all know that we’re looking at, probably over the very short term, dealing with our water and sewer infrastructure, with other areas wanting to be part of our water district.” And with a new industrial area in the plans, he added, “We should be very cautious with not having this structure in place if we allow for development in that area.” Coun. Todd York noted that the cost of the consultations – $14,600 for the first of two stages – could be recouped almost immediately.

But Coun. Carolyn Farris expressed concern that the township is moving too quickly on approving the first stage of consultations. “I know there are some council members who are hugely in favour of it and would want to see it done yesterday,” she told council. But Farris felt there was more yet to be discussed. “To just simply take a proposal and say, ‘Ok, we’ll go ahead with it at that level, I have real difficulty.” Hansma, however, disagreed, stating council had decided development cost charges should be a township priority at meetings earlier in the year.In the end, the motion was passed with Coun. Dave Brew opposed. Farris did not raise her hand for or against the proposal.

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