Friday, June 01, 2007

BCLC Board of Directors Announces Termination of CEO

JUNE 1, 2007 - 14:37 ET ccn mathews

RICHMOND, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(CCNMatthews - June 1, 2007) - The Board of Directors of the British Columbia Lottery Corporation have decided a change of leadership for the organization is required.Therefore, the Board has terminated Vic Poleschuk, President & CEO, effective immediately."The Board of Directors has decided a change of leadership is required and we've taken that step," said John McLernon, Chair of the Board of Directors. "The Board will now turn its focus to implementing the Ombudsman's recommendations and BCLC's Player First program."The Board will reconvene next week to discuss an interim CEO.The Board expressed their confidence in BCLC executive team's ability to guide the organization through this important time of change.
Friday, June 01, 2007 01:34 PM Opinion 250
Les Supports Firing of BCLC Boss

The head of the BC Lottery Corporation has been fired by the Board of Directors for the BC Lottery Corporation.. Solicitor General John Les supports the decision “The decision made today was clearly the correct decision.” Vic Poleschuk was terminated today although Solicitor General John Les would not say if Poleschuk was given severance pay or if his firing was considered “with cause.” For now, an interim Chief Operating Officer has been appointed, the Board of Directors will met again next week to start the process of searching for a new CEO. The Chair of the Board for the BC Lottery Corporation, says the change was necessary if BCLC was to move forward with the implementation of the Ombudsman’s Report. Earlier this week, Ombudsman Kim Carter released a report which said there were gaps in scrutiny of tickets, too many retailers were “winning”. Carter said the system was open to abuse and possibly fraud. The report also indicated the BCLC knew what was going on and did nothing about it. “That is a standard of conduct that is not up to the mark” said Les. Yesterday, BCLC released the list of repeat retailer winners, none of which was from Prince George. The Solicitor General says the independent audit which he has ordered, will look at everything and Les says if the review turns up information that would suggest fraud, those allegations will be turned over to the proper authorities. “Let’s expose everything, let’s let the sun shine in.”
Don Quixote Note: If the Solicitor General John Les is going to let the 'sunshine in' then perhaps he will help to get my FOI request expedited. After all I just want to see The Revenue Agreement signed by the City of Penticton, Lake City Casinos, the BC Lottery Corp (BCLC) and the provincial agreement in the summer of 2006 re the South Okanagan Centre. FOI Request (Freedom of information ) NEW UPDATE May 31

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