Wednesday, June 13, 2007

City pushes street extension

By RICHARD ROLKE Morning Star Staff Jun 13 2007

Jun 13 2007 Extending a busy Vernon road is officially on the city's agenda. On Monday, a majority of council agreed to approach the Ministry of Transportation about extending 27th Street, from Highway 6 to Highway 97 near the army camp. Council's goal is to launch preliminary design work. "We should at least discuss the concept and potential layout," said Coun. Pat Cochrane. The city proposed extending 27th Street back in the late 1990s but that proposal was shelved because of no financial commitment from the ministry and concern from some residents that safety around schools would deteriorate. Some residents were also worried an extension would destroy parts of Polson Park. But the concept has resurfaced because congestion on 32nd Street is getting worse, and a proposed western truck route through Okanagan Landing is extremely unpopular with the public. As a way of dealing with through-traffic, Cochrane would to see 32nd and 27th streets turned into one-way routes. "I see no other way in the long-term but to discuss it," he said.

The prospect of a couplet system brought stiff opposition from Coun. Barry Beardsell. "If you want to turn Vernon into a disjointed community like Westbank, it's the worst legacy you could give the community," he said. But Cochrane shot back at Beardsell, who has favoured the western truck route. "It does absolutely nothing to solve the Highway 97/Highway 6 problems," said Cochrane. Beardsell questions funnelling highway traffic on to 27th Street based on current conditions. "At the busy parts of the day, 27th Street is reaching gridlock," he said.

There's no question that Vernon's traffic routes are reaching a critical point. Certain times of the day see key routes at virtual gridlock, while shortcuts are increasingly less so all the time. That's why the City of Vernon deserves credit for looking at options, but extending 27th Street to Highway 97 should not be considered a panacea. Already 27th Street is congested with vehicles so it's hard to see how turning it into a major highway will improve the situation. If anything, the previous safety concerns for schools, businesses and homes along that route have only gotten worse. And suggestions of turning 27th and 32nd streets into a one-way couplet should be considered very carefully. The closest example is in Westbank and such a network only divided the community, destroyed any sense of downtown and made it difficult for local residents to get around.

Of course, Vernon council is putting the 27th Street extension forward because the previously proposed western truck route through Okanagan Landing has proven unpopular with residents. But hopefully council isn't favouring 27th Street because it is considered the only option left. The reality is that 32nd Street may always be the main highway through Vernon. That mean alternate routes for local traffic must be found. That may include extending 48th Avenue to Old Kamloops Road, widening Alexis Park Drive or promoting transit and cycling through transportation demand management. Ultimately, traffic flow is a complicated issue and council should avoid making any rash decisions.

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