Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Council moves ahead with library project

By RICHARD ROLKE Morning Star Staff Jun 27 2007

A Vernon politician believes the rest of council is steamrolling over the wishes of residents. Coun. Barry Beardsell is angered his colleagues made some major decisions regarding a proposed library/civic building Monday despite the matter not going before the public for approval yet. “It sends the message of arrogance and, ‘Hey we’re going to do it come hell or high water,’” he said. Council has given three readings to a bylaw that authorizes it to long-term borrow $20 million over 25 years for the building. Final adoption must still be granted. Council also gave the green light to staff to short-term borrow $300,000 for building design work.

Beardsell was the only one to oppose the expenditure. “It’s not a done deal at this stage. The public may turn against it,” he said, referring to the alternate approval process that allows those opposed to borrowing $20 million to sign a petition. If 10 per cent of the voters sign the petition, borrowing can’t proceed. Mayor Wayne Lippert has indicated construction will go ahead no matter the outcome of the petition process. That has Coun. Barry Beardsell suggesting his colleagues will find other ways to come up with the money. “A lot of city assets could be flogged off if the counter-petition is turned down,” he said. Lippert admits selling city-owned land to generate the necessary funds is possible. “Staff has been instructed to look at different ways to fund it,” he said.

Despite a press release two weeks ago, the city has now learned that it can’t legally borrow $20 million short-term. Other options may be to tap into city reserves or to go to referendum. The city has drawn fire over holding an alternate approval process instead of going to full-referendum. However, council states the counter-petition route was chosen because of tight timelines for a new library and to access government grants. “I know we are going to take flack but I believe it’s the right thing to do,” said Coun. Juliette Cunningham. The alternate approval process will run from July 15 to Aug. 15. Beardsell is encouraging people to challenge the city’s actions. “I hope a number of people will be working with the counter-petition,” he said of getting signatures.

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