Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Library Complex to be Built One Way or Another AND Council Heats up Over Proposed Resort

(Pete McIntyre) http://www.1075kiss.com/news/headlines/
Library Complex to be Built One Way or Another
One Vernon city council member feels the city is ramming ahead with the proposed library building,regardless of what residents think. Barry Beardsell made the comment after city council gave three readings to the bylaw to borrow up to 20 million dollars for the project, leaving the process one step from final approval.'I think it sends a message of arrogance to the public- look we're going to do it come hell or high water, we don't care what you think its going to get done.'Beardsell was the lone councillor to oppose the bylaw which is the subject of a counter petition in July and August.

Mayor Wayne Lippert says the building will get built, even if that means selling city's assets to fund it. 'I suppose anything like that is possible. There are different ways that staff have been instructed to go and look at different ways of funding this project if the alternate approval process fails.' Lippert argues the facilities are needed to keep up to the city's growth


Council Heats up Over Proposed Resort .(Pete McIntyre)
A proposed new development in Okanagan Landing has caused a bitter divide on Vernon council. Ekistics is planning the Whitepoint Resort with up to 100 homes on the former Parisio campsite land on Eastside Road. Council voted 4-3 to continue with the application and seek public input. Councillors Beardsell, Cunningham, Baumbrough were upset at the decision, preferring the proposal be put on hold until the O-C-P is completed. Buffy Baumbrough says it went against the recommendation from the city's long range planner. 'In my books it doesn't fit with the guiding principles of our OCP. It doesn't fit with smart growth principles and so it would be inadvisable for us to proceed at this point and I agreed with the deferral.' Mayor Wayne Lippert cast the deciding vote. He points out nothing's been approved, and the input session will give council more clarity on the issue.

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