Thursday, June 07, 2007

NORD Green Lights Governance Study

(Pete McIntyre)

The North Okanagan Regional District board has agreed to embark on a governance study. B-X Silver Star director Stan Field spearheaded the motion which was nitiated by the electoral areas. Field says the review will look into the benefits of forming a district municipality, and could take upto two years to complete. 'Its a huge step but I believe the time is now to move in that direction because regional districts are going to change in the future and we might just as well be on the leading edge.' Field says the review will determine if there's a better way of doing business in the regional district. NORD chairman Jerry Oglow says the review will look at the best way to deliver services to taxpayers. 'But it also might put to rest some of the debate that's happening with respect to integration, amalgamation and boundary expansion of municipal areas into rural areas. I really think we need to get some agreement around this table, that either we're on the right track with encouraging our municipalities to do what they're doing. Or if we're not, let's find another way to deliver the kind of services our taxpayers expect.'NORD will be applying to the BC government for a grant to cover the unknown cost of the study. Vernon directors, Patrick Nicol and Barry Beardsell were the only opponents to proceeding. Beardsell would like to know more about the costs, while Nicol feels the current NORD system is working.

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