Friday, June 08, 2007

Shelter may fall through

By RICHARD ROLKE Morning Star Staff Jun 08 2007

The ongoing presence of a tent city has plans for an emergency shelter in jeopardy. Non-profit groups trying to establish a shelter aren’t certain if they will be able to use the Sigalet building on 32nd Street because of public debate over people who have been squatting on the private property since last weekend. “We understand the RCMP, the city and the landlord have to make a decision about the tent city,” said Annette Sharkey, with the Social Planning Council. Sharkey is quick to point out that many of the people sleeping on the property are not actually homeless. “We support any enforcement they come up with. The drug dealers and partiers need to be dealt with and the truly homeless there are at risk (because of those activities),” she said. Sharkey is hopeful the building will still become a temporary shelter, but she admits the final decision is up to the landlord. “It’s an hour-by-hour situation,” she said of the uncertainty. “Several people are working on an alternate plan if needed.”

Since the tent city arose, some businesses and residents have expressed alarm about unsightly conditions, especially because the site is on the main highway through Vernon. But Sharkey says there have also been calls of support and specifically donations of plumbing supplies so toilets and showers can be installed inside the building. “That’s renewed my faith in the community and it shows they understand that it’s a complicated manner.” The City of Vernon has been in contact with the property owner in hopes of keeping the shelter on track. But Coun. Jack Gilroy admits he is also concerned about the tent city and what it’s doing to the community’s reputation. “They can’t have a tent city outside,” he said. “The people who really need help should be helped but there are some people who shouldn’t be there.”

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